Most of us are not sure what they want and where they are going in life. We try to solve problems, but don’t really have a direction.

Maria knows where she is going.

She stepped on her path since she was 6 years old, and followed a straight ascending line of her skills, because until now, all she needed was talent and determination to work.

 Maria has plenty of both.

But, for a performing artist, this is not enough… She grew, and her old friend, the instrument, didn’t. Her skills left it behind.

Maria needs a new instrument, the one that will be a friend for the rest of her life:


They’ve already met. His name is Super Bayan Sirius. The new friend loved to be hugged by Maria. She made him sing with joy, but now it must wait until she can afford to take him home. 

You’ve certainly had this feeling at least once in your life: working hard to achieve a goal and suddenly finding yourself faced with an obstacle that stems not from your skills and passion, but from something outside of you. Mundane, frustrating, and seemingly insurmountable…

Lack of money is the barrier that all young up-and-coming talents face when they need to get their first foot in the door.

Maria faces this barrier right now. Usually it’s later, but she already started her career at 14 !!!


YOU can help Maria overcome this obstacle

 Your contribution will enable her to buy a concert accordion, capable of supporting her performance and potential.

Having her own instrument also helps her pursue higher education and reach musical excellence throughout whole life.

THAT is the impact you can make!

A concert accordion is vital for her to study more in depth, to perfect her skills, to give her the opportunity to follow her studies! 

An artist exists for the others, and because of the ones who help her study, work and grow.

Don’t miss this opportunity to support Maria and her music! It’s up to you to give her access to better choices throughout her life. A young artist who deserves the chance to shine and share her gift with the world.

Her talent, good humor and contact with the public are contagious and enormously appreciated by anyone who have seen her performing live.

Take a peek at Maria’s journey, on the other page  ->


You can be a part of this!

No doubt you’ve had a moment like this in your life: an imperative need when the only solution was the help from others…

Every donation counts, no matter how much, and will go a long way helping Maria to raise the amount necessary for her dream accordion.  

This change will have a decisive impact on her whole life. And YOU can be a part of it!

Many small contributions can make a big sum. Only together we can do it.

Thank you for your generosity and support.

         You can stay in touch with Maria here:


Someone can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone

The “On Participe” site will be the thread that binds us together from today onwards, helping you show your attachment to Maria, and together rethink her road to tomorrow. 

The site is highly secured and it has an option to manage tickets…

So every one who has the name on the wall of donors will be invited  to attend for free Maria’s future concerts, when they happen in your town !

Come back to be updated on her journey and see the impact you’ve made on an artist’s life.